5 November 2020

Final call: posting of definitive lists of candidates for social elections in Belgium

We are in Belgium now in the final run-up to the social elections that are now due to be held on a specific day between the 16th  and the 29th November 2020.

No later than the 14th day prior to election day the labour unions who have already proposed a list of candidates may, alter these candidates.

This can only happen if the initial candidate passed away, resigned from his job, relinquished his membership in the union, changed his mind and withdrew his candidacy or does no longer occupy a position in the undertaking of the category of workers (blue collar, white collar, young workers and middle-management) for who will stand as a candidate representative.  a candidate.

No later than the thirteenth day preceding the election day, employers must post the lists of candidates, in their final form on the same billboard on which earlier announcements for the social elections were made.

We would not be in the 21st century if such antiquated procedure, could  not be replaced by an electronic document that is during their normal working time accessible to all employees.

Depending on the election day of your choosing, the final lists of candidates together with the final lists of voters must be posted between November 3rd and November 16th 2020.

Happy social election day!

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