Anna Gibello



Fashion & Design,
Commercial Law,
Consumer Goods,
Food & Beverage,
Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Media


Dutch, French, English, German, Italian


+32 2 285 01 00


President of the Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana (AIGLI), Milano (IT);

Vice-President of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Brussels (BE).

Member of the Brussels bar since 1995, Anna has gained broad experience in commercial law, international contract law and dispute resolution (with a focus on food & beverage, fashion/textile and mechanical sectors). She advises and assists clients in negotiating and drafting their commercial and distribution contracts, as well as restructuring their distribution networks. She also litigates before the Belgian courts on civil and commercial matters (with a particular focus on damage claims for wrongful termination of distribution contracts and non-conforming goods issues/judicial expertise’s).

Recommended by Chambers & Partners due to her extensive experience in assisting international clients, Anna chairs MVVP’s Italian Desk created to offer full-service assistance to Italian clients interested in doing business in Belgium as well as to Belgian clients with interests in Italy.

She is a regular speaker at international conferences. Particularly interested in ADR, Anna is also a civil and commercial mediator and is regularly appointed as arbitrator in commercial litigation matters.

Anna obtained her law degree from the Università degli Studi of Torino, Italy. She also studied intellectual property rights management (Gestion des droits intellectuels : stratégie, contrats et fiscalité de l’innovation) at the Université Catholique de Louvain as well as fashion law ( Corso di Alta Formazione in Fashion Law ) at the Università Cattolica of Milano, Italy.



  • November 2022 : “Belgio: Le opportunità di vendita in Belgio per il settore moda e accessori”, Webinar – Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Brussels (BE);
  • May 2022:   “Le Associazioni Internazionali come opportunità di crescita professionale. AIGLI : Associazione Intrenazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana – Il Finanziamento del Contenzioso da parte di Terzi”,  Webinar – Commissione Rapporti Internazionali (CRINT) – Milan Bar Association, Milan (IT);
  • March 2022 : “Le Mille luci del Web – Il Commercio Elettronico negli Stati Uniti, in Europa ed in Italia, Webinar – Bologna Bar Association (Fondazione Forense Bolognese) under the patronage of UIA;
  • May 2021 : “Finanziamento del contenzioso da parte di terzi”– Webinar – AIGLI, Milano (IT);
  • January 2019 : “International circulation of artworks – the Belgian case”, Lecture– Opening Conference at the Opening of the Legal Year 2019 – Milan Bar Association, Milan (IT);
  • September 2018 : “Esempi di adeguamento delle normative nazionali al GDPR: il caso del Belgio”, Seminar – 31st AIGLI’s Annual Congress, Stresa (IT);
  • May 2018 : 3rd International E book of the Milan Bar, “Disciplina e cessazione dei contratti di concessione di vendita e Franchising nell’UE”, Seminar – Milan Bar Association, Milan (IT);
  • March 2018: “Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (‘RGPD’ – ‘GDPR’) : Qui doit se conformer et comment ? Atelier sur les enjeux et impacts pour les PME et les associations à partir du 25 mai 2018”, Seminar – Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Brussels (BE);
  • August 2017 : “Main intellectual property rights and other legal issues surrounding the creation of a fashion collection” – Seminar – Modesign Academy, Brussels (BE);
  • January 2016 : “Lo Stato della Giustizia: confronto tra situazione italiana ed internazionale” – Seminar – Milan Bar Association, Milan (IT);
  • October 2015: “Premiers pas vers l’international : établir son réseau de distribution à l’étranger” – Seminar – Brussels Distribution Conference, Brussels (BE);
  • March 2014 : “Le contrat de concession de vente et le contrat d’agence – De la formation aux indemnités de rupture”- Seminar – Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, Business Center Airport Charleroi (BE).
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Tervurenlaan 270 Av. de Tervueren
1150 BRUssels / Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)2 285 01 00